GES Teacher and Staff 2024-2025 Favorites Lists! 


If your staff members are not active, check back often. We will be linking their lists as soon as we receive them. Thanks for supporting our amazing GES Staff!



Natalie Finch Pre-K
Zainab Ellis Para Pre-K
Laura Jean Couch Pre-K
Dolores Rodriguez Para Pre-K
Candy Dodd Kindergarten
Terri Eubank Kindergarten
Christine Killebrew Kindergarten
Jennine Farout Kindergarten
Julia Jackson First Grade
Rachel Sexton First Grade
Samantha Gray First Grade
Amy VanHook First Grade
Belinda Leu Second Grade
Tuyen Vo Second Grade
Lindsey Dugan Second Grade
Sondra Feduccia Second Grade
Julia Patterson Third Grade
Jessica Farish Third Grade
Jana Stephenson Third Grade
Taylor Vierra Third Grade
Kerri Hendrickson Fourth Grade
Ciera Still Fourth Grade
Hope Hieb Fourth Grade
Abby Courcier Fourth Grade
Natalie Hickerson Fifth Grade
Ashley Cade Fifth Grade
Sydney Walker Fifth Grade
  Fifth Grade
Michelle Basil PE
  Instructional Para PE
Christina Smith Music
Amanda North Art

Staff & Admin

Nancy Hale Principal
Marie Menard Assistant Principal
Courtney Ervin Learning Liaison
Angela Horn Counselor
Erin Wahpekeche Librarian
Sarah Ganus GT LEAD
Lindsey Holmes Nurse
Gina Sharp Administrative Asst.
Candice Patton Data Secretary
Christina Abdo Diagnostician
Vicki McIntosh Speech
Teresa Holzapfel Psychologist
Catherine Husby Literacy Interventionist
Melissa Shaw Literacy Interventionist
Elizabeth Sundholm Behavior Interventionist
Saeeda Nasreen RISE teacher
Brandee Thompson SPED teacher
Mariam Rezk SPED teacher
Karly Wolf SPED teacher
Jessica Rickman Instructional Para
  Instructional Para
Morgan Henson RISE Para
Elsa Salazar Technician
Lisa Stansbury Cafeteria Manager
Ekram Makie  Cafeteria Staff
Jacqueline A. Cafeteria Staff
Debbie Williams Day Custodian
Carlos Rubio Lead Night Custodian
Vein Night Custodian
  Night Custodian
Haley Trevino EDP site coordinator


Upcoming Events


Easy Ways to Fundraise! 

Link your Tom Thumb/Albertsons card at Guest Services the next time you go shopping using Organization Number 7665. Every time you use your rewards number, a portion of the proceeds will be donated back to the GES PTA! 

GES PTA Social Media


Help us collect photos for the yearbook by downloading the TreeRing App. It's a great way to share pictures. You can save photos to the grade level folders set up in the app. Thank you for your help!